어떤 좌표에 위치한 엔터티 구하기

int ArxGetEntUnderPos(AcDbObjectIdArray& ids , const AcGePoint3d& pt)


                  ads_point ptUnder = {pt.x, pt.y, pt.z};


                  ads_name ss;

                  int res;

                  if (RTNORM != (res = acedSSGet(“:E”, ptUnder, NULL, NULL, ss)))


                                    // There is probably nothing under the cursor,

                                    // so return and let AutoCAD process the message

                                    return RTFAIL;



                  long length = 0L;

                  acedSSLength(ss, &length);

                  if (0 == length)


                                    // There is nothing under the cursor,

                                    // so there is no need to show the context menu.

                                    // Let AutoCAD process the message.


                                    return RTFAIL;



                  ads_name ename;

                  for(int i = 0;i < length;i++)


                                    acedSSName(ss, i, ename);

                                    AcDbObjectId entId;

                                    if(Acad::eOk != acdbGetObjectId(entId, ename)) continue;





                  return RTNORM;


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